Din arhivele secrete ale Vaticanului. Aparitia crestinismului si a primului sau eretic.
Multumiri lui Monty Python :)
Multumiri lui Monty Python :)
Diogene din Oenoanda, aflandu-si pacea interioara in invataturile lui Epicur si vrand sa le arate concetatenilor sai calea spre fericire, a inscris in secolul 2 al erei noastre pe zidurile agorei, un rezumat al filozofiei epicureiste. Un fragment al inscriptiei spune:
Nu teme zeii
Nu teme moartea
Binele poate fi atins
Raul este suportabil.
the reason python were so funny is because even they took things to the most absurd, they seem plausible with respect to reality. and nowhere is this more true than on religion.
in fact, had jesus existed and not been resurrected, he would have been rolling in his grave if he knew the religion invented in his name.
christianity is a hijacking by paul of judaism due to his rabid antisemitism. one of the best books on the subject is Hyam Maccoby's THE MYTHMAKER.
(i left romania in 1961 and while I read, speak and understand romanian quite well, it is easier for me to write in english).
oao, am pus o traducere din Onfray apropo de Paul. Nici o problema, scrie cum ti-e mai simplu.
I still think Maccoby should be read by anybody interested in the origins of christianity.
and here's a more important aspect of python's LIFE OF BRYAN:
quite apropos what's happening today with islam. quite significant that they are succeeding so easily to stifle everybody when christianity tried hard but could not. looks like violence is key if you want to protect religion.