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Gandire Critica
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Diogene din Oenoanda, aflandu-si pacea interioara in invataturile lui Epicur si vrand sa le arate concetatenilor sai calea spre fericire, a inscris in secolul 2 al erei noastre pe zidurile agorei, un rezumat al filozofiei epicureiste. Un fragment al inscriptiei spune:
Nu teme zeii
Nu teme moartea
Binele poate fi atins
Raul este suportabil.
dk if you were being facetious but the sign says "death to all jews" intentionally spelled juice.
Hum... I'm really inclined to apply Hanlon's Razor here --- not to attrbute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. Then again, I doubt anti-semitic extremists would be so cautious as to intentionally use a homophone of "jews".